Privacy Notice

Privacy Policy

Individuals who visit our website are important to us. Because visitors to our website are important, we do not capture personal information about them without their permission. However, please know various websites are linked through our website and the website. State and local government agencies may have their own privacy statements posted on their sites, which take precedence over this policy. The Privacy Statement does not apply to non-West Virginia State Government websites that may be linked from Visitors should read the privacy policies of individual sites and be cautious about providing personally identifiable information without a clear understanding of how the information will be used.

Public Disclosure

All information collected will be treated the same as any written communication and is subject to the confidentiality and public disclosure provisions of West Virginia Code Chapter 29B.

Contact Information

To offer comments or ask questions about our privacy policies, please use the following contact information:


West Virginia State Board of Landscape Architects
374 Kanawha Salines Drive
Malden, WV 25306



